Have you heard of water flossers? As their name suggests, they are a flossing tool that uses water. The machine or unit itself creates a pressurized stream of pulsating water that you will then direct towards your teeth and gums to clean them. No floss thread needed! 

Who should use a water flosser? 

Water flossers are great for anyone who has a difficult time flossing or simply doesn’t like to floss.  For example, patients with arthritis who find it uncomfortable to floss will benefit from a water flosser. They are also great for anyone who has braces on.  The pressurized stream of water will help dislodge food from around the brackets and wires. 

How to use a water flosser 

There are many different brands of water flossers out there. However, the basic system is similar between them. You simply add water to the unit.  Some brands come with different tips depending on your dental needs. You then direct the tip towards your teeth and even under the gumlines.  

Does it replace flossing with thread? 

Water flossing does not replace traditional flossing.  Conventional floss physically gets in between the teeth to help remove and break down plaque and bacteria. Water flossers ultimately do not do that. However, for people who really hate flossing or don’t have the manual dexterity to floss, this is still better than nothing! 

Other uses for water flossing 

I personally recommend water flossing after eating a meal. It is generally recommended to wait 30 minutes to brush your teeth after eating.  But if waiting is not feasible, then a water flosser is a great substitute. This will quickly clean your teeth and you can keep on moving with your day! 

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